Belief Babies


Did you know that the current results in your life are a direct reflection of what you believe?

It’s true.

Your life reflects what you currently believe about yourself, your ability and your worth.

Do you love what you see? (I sure hope so!!)

But, if by chance you don’t, I have some great news for you! (Actually probably the best news you will hear all week!!!)

You get to decide what you want to believe, on purpose. No one can stop you.

There are no belief police.

You get to believe whatever you want!

I call new beliefs, belief babies.

Belief babies take some nurturing to grow into beliefs that are reflected by the results in our life.

So, today, I want to teach you how to make belief babies and grow them.

Remember, a belief is just a thought you think over and over. That’s it.

First step is to find out what you currently believe.

Pick an area of your life where your current result isn’t what you want.

I’ll give you an example…I’ll pick one, my weight.

Now, I’m not unhappy with my weight right now per se but, I see it creeping up. See, every year in November and December, I lose 10 to 15 pounds.
But, I have a belief that I always gain the 10 to 15 pounds back by March.
I think the thought when I step on the scale each morning.
It’s a belief I don’t want to have.

Why do I believe it?
I believe it because it’s happened every year for the last 10 years at least!

Second step: Decide what you want to believe (aka your belief baby)
The trick is the belief baby has to be believable. I wouldn’t say “I will never gain the 10 pounds back” because I know that’s not true.
My belief baby is instead . "I can stay my December weight all year."

Third step : Practice believing it. (This is how you grow that belief baby up!)
Write it down. Practice saying it out loud. Thoughts create your feelings, which create your actions and your results.

You’ll know your belief baby has grown up when your results reflect it.

Let's recap:

!st step: Find out what you currently believe.
Why do you believe it?

2nd step: Decide what you want to believe (your belief baby)

3rd step: Practice believing it.

I'm ready to change my belief!
What current beliefs would you like to change?
Let's chat! Sign up for a free consult call. I promise it's free and it's fun!
