A Universal Truth


This is a universal truth.

Every single person on this earth is worthy.

Worthy of love.

Worthy of respect.

Just worthy.

No matter what you have done, no matter what has been done to you.

You are worthy, it’s just a fact.

You don’t have to lose weight, make more money, work out more, start a business, give money to your favorite charity. None of it. Unless you want to.

You and your worthiness are a package deal.

You just get to do the other stuff because it’s just fun. It’s fun to create the best version of yourself. It’s amazing to see what you can do in the world.

Quit telling yourself you don’t deserve everything you want, because you’re wrong, you do.

Quit telling yourself other people can do things but, not you, because you’re wrong if it’s in your heart it’s meant for you some level.

You are worthy. Believe it.
