Real Self Care


It seems every week I come across a ton of articles about self-care.
You too?
I thought so.
It's not that I'm against it, au contraire, it just seems a little overdone when it's consistently depicted on social media as bubble baths, mani pedi’s,, and a few moments alone to read a good book.  

It's true, you should treat yourself with the utmost love and respect, so, if a bottle of chardonnay and your fav Netflix series feels like love, I say do it, do it all day, if that’s what you really need.
But, I don’t think real self-care is always so pretty and relaxing.

Sometimes, real self-care involves sweat.
Sometimes, real self-care involves uncomfortable conversations.
Sometimes, real self-care means saying "No" to ourselves aka. self-discipline.
 If we truly love ourselves it makes sense right?  
We love our children and we love them enough to discipline them when necessary so what about ourselves?
When our primitive brain tells us to put on our fav face mask, pop some stovetop popcorn and watch reruns of Sex in the City instead of working on our thing, we gotta say no to our primitive brain and do the work to move ourselves forward.  Saying "No" to these thoughts is the only way we are going to grow and evolve into the best possible version of ourselves (aka real self care) which, after all,  is why we are here in the first place.