What Got You Here Won't Get You There

Discomfort is the currency to your dreams.-2.png

Procrastination...it's one of the most frustrating things I experience.

It's especially frustrating when I'm procrastinating something I really want to do.

Have you ever experienced this?

It's like you really really want it. You love your reason why but, yet, you can't get yourself to take the consistent action to make it a reality.

Yeah, it’s the worst.

I used to feel really bad about myself because I used to experience it daily.

I made it mean there was something wrong with me.

But, here’s the thing about procrastination...it doesn’t mean anything about you.

You aren’t broken.

Actually it's quite the contrary.

When you experience procrastination it’s because you have a functioning human brain.

Our brains are wired for three main things ( it's called the Motivational Triad) to seek pleasure, avoid pain and ding! ding! ding! conserve energy.

Hence procrastination.

So, to break through and do the thing (without using sheer will which will exhaust you every time) you must turn the motivational triad around.

You must forgo pleasure

You must USE energy and pursue discomfort on purpose.

We have to be willing to move forward without it being perfect and that's a hard one for some people.

You see, often times, perfectionists are the biggest procrastinators.

So, let’s say we all drop our perfectionism, move towards discomfort and get some shit done?

Let’s take our human brains across the finish line and then do it again and again and again.