This Was the Toughest Concept

This was a tough concept for me to understand..png

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me."

Did you sing that rhyme when you were a child?

Yeah, me too.

But, you know what, other people's names, sentences and actions did hurt me, for quite a long time.

I thought it was just a fact of life, other people could hurt my feelings and did.

But, then, in life coach school, I was taught a concept that was super hard for me to comprehend at first... the concept that other people can’t hurt our feelings.

I was like a deer in the headlights..seriously.

The first time I heard it, my brow furrowed and I thought to myself.. "There must be exceptions like... when your best friend forgets your birthday or in middle school when I wasn’t invited to Robin Rhode's boy/girl party. There must be a lot of every time my feelings have been hurt! Definitely not my responsibility right???


We are taught from a young age that other people are responsible for our feelings.
That simply isn't true.
It’s like the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

No one can hurt your feelings without your permission.

People say words and we get to decide what we think about them.

Their words can’t hurt us, only our thoughts about their words can.

Knowing this has given me my power back.

Now I think thoughts like.. My friend loves me but, she sucks at remembering birthdays. It's truer and feels much better than...”My friend must not be that good of a friend if she forgot my birthday."

And, Robin Rhodes if you're reading this, I forgive you for not inviting me besides...I'm sure it wasn't nearly as fun of a party without me (much better thought than “I’m a loser, no one likes me.”)

It doesn’t matter what anyone says to me, it no longer effects me unless I want it to.

This concept = freedom.

Want "names to never hurt you"? Jump on a call with me this week!
One hour to focus on you and your mindset. Sounds amazing right?
Click here to schedule.