Time For a Brain Reboot

I opened up my computer this morning to the message the software had been updated.

Last week my I-phone updated as well.

Computers, cell phones and smart Tv’s regularly reboot making changes to how we experience the tool.

When you think about it, it really is an amazing time to be alive.

It’s interesting though to think about the fact that every human being on the planet possesses arguably the most sophisticated tool on the planet…. a brain and yet there has never been any overnight system up dates.

Our brains are operating the same way they have since the dawn of man.

Our brains have three main functions:

  1. Seek pleasure

  2. Avoid pain

  3. Conserve energy

These functions served us well for a very long time. We hunted food (which was scarce) and when we found it it gave us pleasure. We sought the shelter of caves to avoid scary dinosaurs and other predators and we slept in those same caves for long periods of time conserving energy until we had to run from the next attack.

Our brains served us well then, but, not so much now.

Now we are surrounded by pleasure 24/7. There is food on every corner, alcohol in every liquor store, sex and Netflix at our finger tips. Literally we are drowning in pleasure and our brains love every single moment of it. It’s why there are so many people struggling with their weight and addictions of every flavor.

We struggle to change our lives, lose weight, stop over drinking, give up the porn because our brains want to avoid pain. Giving up pleasure is a big no to your brain!

Our brains don't want us to exert the effort it takes to go after our goals and change our one precious life.

And this my friend is why everyone needs a life coach. I (and people like me)help you give your brain a system update.

With me in your corner I will coach you to reboot your brain. I will teach you how to use the amazing tool you’ve been given to your advantage to change and create anything you want.

Are you ready?
Schedule a complimentary call to figure out what updates you need.
You can also join me in my FB group "The Club for Doer’s and Difference Makers" where we are going after our goals every day. xoxo