If You Have Your Health You Have Everything?

If You Have Your Health You Have Everything.png

I’m sure you’ve read these kinds of captions on Insta and FB often, statements like…

“If you have your health you have everything.”
“Family is everything.”

Both statements seem true.

Both statements feel like what kind, well meaning ,grounded people say, but, should we?

I came across a post last week on FB that made me stop and think about it.

The post read:
“When you say, "you have nothing without your health" we all know what you intend to say.
And you're also telling people who are struggling with health stuff that they have nothing.
Which, regardless of how you intend it, is untrue + inhumane.
If that matters to you, find a different way to say what you mean.”

I never thought of it quite that way before.

The comments were full of enlightenment as well, one woman wrote:

"YES. I feel this also with “Family is everything.” Sigh."

Here’s the thing, I don’t think anyone says things like that meaning to pass judgement or be unkind to people struggling with health issues or those without family but, I can see how saying it hits different for some people. I’m grateful for my FB friend who put this post out and brought the thoughts to my consciousness.

There are so many people in the world who are figuring out ways to live full lives and go after what they want with all kinds of health issues. They also can say they have everything.

I think about Stephan Hawking, and how he continued his life changing work and lived 55 years with incurable condition. And, I know there are countless other people famous and not so famous reaching their goals despite their personal health challenges.

If you are facing a challenge please please, please don’t limit yourself based on other people’s experiences with the same challenge. The truth is, you get to decide how you want to show up to your life. You have your desires inside you for a reason and it is a choice if you want to do more or less ,it’s that simple.

And, if you don’t have family with you by life circumstance or choice always remember your family doesn’t need to be bloodoften the best family are those you choose. xo