31 Ways to Be Unbelievably Kind, Feel Fabulous & Have a Ridiculous Amount of Fun!

Be an Unexpected Burst of Generosity.png


If you have been reading my blog for a while you have probably figured out that I am the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to help another human being or cause that matters to me.  I will donate dollars, give my time and energy and do it with enthusiasm.   

I choose to be generous, it makes me feel abundant and I want to feel abundant.  

Giving to others doesn't deplete me it has always only increased me.  

It doesn't matter if I know you or not, if you need me, I'm going to do what I can to help you.  

That's a guarantee.

There are a million ways to be generous beyond giving dollars.  Being generous could be a share of knowledge or information, a written note instead of a text message, a direct gaze & a smile instead of staring at your phone.  You can do small things, big things, simple things or outrageous things.   You will never run out of generosity, the more you give the more it multiplies. 

One of my favorite things to do is surprise people with bursts of unexpected generosity to lift them up, let them know how much they matter.

Sounds like fun right?



So, I invite you to join me in a month of unexpected bursts of giving to people you know and some you don't.

It’s going to feel so good.  Promise.  

Here are 31 ideas.....

1.Compliment someone.  A genuine compliment, every day in October.

2.Deliver a cup of hot coffee to your co-worker from their fav coffee house.

3.Have a pizza delivered to your best friends office.  Lunch=handled.

4.Leave an awesome review on a local businesses yelp page or website.

5.Carry change around with you and fill up a few parking meters that are about to expire.

6.Buy the coffee of the car behind you in the Starbucks line.  Create an avalanche of giving.

7.Be like Diane (Von Furstenberg that is) and send an email to someone specifically designed to help them out in some way.  Think Job interview, mentor introduction, resource share etc.......

8.Leave a nice server the biggest tip you can afford.  Get bonus points by telling the manager what an excellent job they are doing.

9.Go through your closet and donate some work clothes and accessories to Dress For Success.

10.Offer to babysit for a new mom.  Give her a much needed afternoon of me time or a date night with her significant other.

11.Leave a gift for your mailman in the mailbox.

12.Offer bottled water to the garbage men on your block.

13.Make a playlist of your favorite uplifting songs for a friend who’s been a little down or is trying to slay and can use some extra motivation.

14.Leave  a raving review on I-tunes for your favorite podcast.  Every internet entrepreneur can use some encouragement.

15.Leave a copy of your favorite book on a park bench, bus or train with a note to whomever picks it up.

16.Visit an elderly relative or neighbor, spend an afternoon with them.

17.Make eye contact with people you pass in the hall at work or school, Smile.

18.Send one friend every morning in October an uplifting encouraging text. 

19.Email or send a letter to a teacher who made a difference in your life.

20.Create a jar of compliments for your best friend. 

21.Leave a couple of un-carved pumpkins on a doorstop of a family who is struggling.   Maybe include some kid safe carving tools and a bag of favorite Halloween candy.

22.Compliment a Mother on how well behaved her child is and what a good job she is doing.

23.Leave a Gift Card with an uplifting note on the windshield of a strangers car.

24.Take a stack of post-it-notes and write uplifting quotes and compliments on them.  Plaster them on every elevator door, office chair, bathroom stall, park bench you come across.

25.Put together a Halloween Goodie Bag (often called a Boo Bag) for a neighbor put on their doorstep, ring the bell and run ;)

26.Buy a friend and yourself a giant bouquet of sunflowers. (Who said you shouldn’t be unexpectedly generous to yourself too.)

27.Pick up litter; don’t just walk over it.

28.Return someone else’s cart at the grocery store.

29.Let someone in your lane on the highway, they are probably in a rush too.

30.Buy an extra sandwich and drink at lunch, give it to a homeless person on the street.

31.Write someone special  a letter, a real letter on paper and mail it.

At the end of October begin again and again and again.


Love + Bravery,
