The Right Questions Change Everything

I love when people that have been through hell walk out of the flames carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the fire.-4.png

What do you ask yourself on the daily?
Is it something like….
How can I make today amazing? 


What can I do today to make progress towards my goals?
Or is it more along the lines of….
Why is my life so hard?
Why can’t I ever say the right thing?
When am I going to change?
Why can’t I take action?
 All asked in a negative, condescending way….
If those are the kinds of questions you find yourself asking yourself it’s definitely time to ask a better question.
Understand, your brain is the most powerful tool on the planet and you were given one for free!

Amazing right?! 
And, your brain goes to work providing evidence for every thought you believe and answers for every question you ask.  
If you ask yourself a question like.. “Why can’t I lose weight?”  you most likely will get a barrage of self-defeating answers like... "you have no will power" or "you're lazy"  etc... YUCK!

But, if you ask yourself a question like “How can I make losing weight more fun?” your brain will go to work on that and the answers it provides you most likely will make you smile.

The higher quality the question the more creative and inspiring the answer.

You will find a source of wisdom in you that you might not know is there provided you don’t shut the door with “I don’t know” or “I’m confused." Both thoughts are dream stealers.  Don’t let yourself get away with that.  If you think "I don't know" you are blocking your own wisdom.   

 Put your brain to use.  Ask it empowering questions.
Do it consistently and wait for the equally empowering answers that only your one amazing brain can give you. xo

Are you ready to move forward with those dreams of yours? I’d love to help! Sign up for a free consultation call. It’s one hour for you to talk about you and what you want for your life! Imagine that!! I promise it’s free and it’s fun! Click here to sign up!