Make Your Bed

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Morning routines are talked about a lot these days, we are encouraged to include activities like prayer, working out, meditating, drinking hot water with lemon etc..

But, do you know the one thing that will make you feel successful in the first 5 minutes of your day?

Make your bed.

That's it.  That’s all it takes to start your day feeling accomplished.  

Now, many people have an excuse why they don't make their bed.  You might have used one yourself, excuses like...

 "What's the point, it will just get messed up in 12 hours anyway?"

"My cat's asleep on my blanket, I don't want to disturb her!"

"It's just not important, who's going to see it anyway?"

"My mom isn't here to make me do it."

"I don't have time."

Excuses are easy, but it's also easy to make your bed.

 “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another."
                                                       Naval Admiral William McRaven

But, don't worry,  you don't have to be able to bounce a coin off your military-style-made bed to benefit from the action.  Just a simple fluff of the pillows and tug of the sheets and comforter will do.

Make your bed because it......

Starts the day off right.

Encourages you to keep the rest of your room tidy (Tidy room tidy life)

Improves your productivity.

It lowers your stress and improves your mood.

It just looks and feels better.

Small action, yes, but it leads to so much more.

Once the task is completed, wink at yourself in the mirror and say out loud “Good morning Beautiful, you got this and oh, by the way...your hair looks amazing today...." 