What Do You Think About Yourself?

So, I've got a question for you...."What do you think when you think about yourself?"
Cue the Jeporday music…I’ll wait.
It’s quite a question if you’ve never considered it.
What you think about yourself is probably the reason you are or you aren’t pursuing your dreams, goals, and desires.
If your answer to the question is along the lines of...
I'm amazing. 
I can do anything I put my mind to.  
I have what it takes.

Then you probably aren’t short on dream achievement but, if what you think about yourself runs more along the lines of….

I’m not capable.  
Other people can do incredible things but not me. 
 I’m not that smart. 
 I’m not that lucky.  
Things don’t work out for me.  

Then you most likely are not getting the results you want, actually, you might not be dreaming at all. #toopainful
Those kind of negative thoughts are big fat dream slayers.
You gotta doubt your doubt my friend!

Just because your sister told you once that you were unlucky or your sixth grade teacher told you “maybe you should think about trade school…” You get to choose what you believe about yourself. Doesn’t matter what anyone has said about you or to you. You get to decide on purpose what you think period.

You are capable of building an empire, losing the weight for good, starting a movement that ends poverty forever! Whatever your heart desires.

Decide what to think about yourself on purpose, don't wait, do it today.

I’d love to help you create everything you want for your life! Contact me today to sign up for a free Consultation Call. 60 minutes to talk about all of your goals and dreams, I’m all ears.

Click here to schedule.
