Don't Put Your Life On Hold!

Don't Put Your Life On Hold!.png

A few years ago I had a client with a severe case of wanderlust. She subscribed to every travel magazine, followed all of the adventure blogs but, she had never left the states.

See, along with this travel bug she had an extra 50 pounds she wanted to lose.

In our first session I asked her…”What are three things you will do when you lose the weight?”

She didn’t miss a beat! “I’ll go on a cruise down The Seine, then I’ll make a reservation for that Safari I’ve been eyeing, oh, and, I’ll go too Aruba. I’ve always wanted to go there. Then the next year I’ll…”

My client went on for another few minutes about all of the trips she would take when the weight finally came off.

“Guess what your homework is?" I asked her. "Pick one trip and get it on your calendar.”

“What?” She looked at me like a deer in the headlights.

“You heard what I said, you have the money and the vacation time. It’s time to stop putting your life on hold. Loving your life before you lose the weight is the key.”

See, here’s the thing.

As women we’ve got to stop thinking thoughts like …I’ll do that thing when the kids are grown, when I have more money, when I’m a size 4.

Can you imagine how many dreams have stayed dreams because the right time never came?

Don’t let that be you.
Where are you putting your life on hold?
Just do the thing.
Do it now!

It’s the secret to everything. xoxo