Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror Mirror on the Wall.png

How much of your day is taken up obsessing over your wrinkly knees, your non existent thigh gap, your spider veins?

How much of your life has been taken up obsessing over your weight, going on diets, chastising yourself for once again eating the mac and cheese instead of the side salad?

Seriously! It’s years of our lives!

I wonder what we could accomplish if we stopped obsessing about how we look?

Now, to be fair, we come by this honestly because, from a young age, society has told us that all that matters are our looks.

We’ve been conditioned to think that our worth is based on our appearance and how others see us.

But, then, if we concern ourselves with our look’s, we are called shallow and vain.

Catch 22 much?

Take heart, if you find yourself preoccupied by your appearance, there is nothing wrong with you, you’re not shallow or vain. Your brain is trying to help you survive.
Archaic? Yes, but that's what it's doing.

Our brains are naturally fixated on making sure we’re good enough, so that we can stay alive.

It’s time to start the reprogramming!

Here’s the thing, each of us needs to begin to push back by falling madly in love with ourselves and loving how we look for our own satisfaction not for someone else’s viewing pleasure.

Is that difficult?
For some, yes; for others, no.
For me?

See, I was raised by a Mother who was beautiful by society's standards.

My mom was tall, thin and blonde.

I never felt like I measured up.

I remember subtle and not so subtle reminders my whole life.

She would remark that my teeth weren’t quite straight enough, no one ever said I looked like Mom and when we went shopping, I often came home with clothes that didn’t quite fit. I would always promise her I was going to lose that extra 5 to 10 pounds.

It’s taken me years to understand that my mom really didn’t know any better. Now I understand it was programming from her own childhood. How else were she and her sisters going to get a man (back then that was the only way they thought they would survive) if they didn’t concentrate on how they looked at all times. My Mom on some level was trying to protect me.

Luckily all of that is in the past.

Now I know that I am worthy simply by existing.

I know I am worthy no matter what weight I am and whether my teeth are straight and, you are too.

We've got to change this programming and it starts with each and every one of us right now.

I’m not saying to stop caring about your appearance, unless you want to.

What I am saying is if you are on a weight loss or fitness journey make sure you’re doing it for yourself.
Love your reasons.
If you are taking steps to defy the aging process, rock on, just make sure it’s for you and your own viewing pleasure.
You are worthy.
You are beautiful.
Right now.