Do It For Yourself

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My family bought a Peloton bike at the beginning of the pandemic.
I ride that bike most every day and I’ve fallen madly in love with instructor Robin Arzon.
(Fan Girl right here)
Seriously…I do everything she asks, 60 resistance, Yes!
80 MPH or faster! Yes!
20 push-ups! Of course.
And, I never quit before the time is up.
I always do everything she instructs and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought to myself
“I will not let her down.”
She doesn’t even know I exist but, I seriously will not disrespect her with a mediocre effort.

How about you, are you really good at doing things for other people? You’d never dream of not completing something when someone else is involved, right?!?!

Me either.

Seriously, most all of my actions and activities in the first decades of my life have been for someone else first.
But, here’s the thing….if we want to create big things in our life, (however it looks for you), we have to show up for ourselves first.

Just last week two amazing things happened .

First…Robin had a baby back in December and she came back from maternity leave (hallelujah)! And, second, most importantly, as I was taking her new “Daddy Yankee” ride, she instructed “50 to 65 resistance, 65mph or faster “ and you know what I thought to myself as I sped my legs up and increased the resistance on my pedals, not “I can’t let Robin down” my thought was …”I can’t let myself down.”

The heavens opened up with that one thought.

My brain was confused but, the thought left me feeling empowered, strong, unstoppable.

Riding faster, lifting heavier, studying new coaching techniques, hell cleaning the damn house…it’s for me and my evolution, my comfort too and darling, what you do should be for you first too and there is not anything selfish about it.

You first, me first and if it happens to benefit someone else too that’s icing on the cake.

Are you ready to join the revolution of women evolving their lives on purpose by following their desires wherever they take them?
I’d love to be part of your journey. Click this link to schedule a complimentary call. We will spend one hour talking about you and your desires. One whole hour to talk about you. Now, doesn’t that sound amazing?