Goal Shame

Do you ever use your goals against yourself?
I used to.
Every year, for as long as I can remember, I've made a list of new year’s goals and resolutions.
They used to look like this:
Lose 20 pounds.
Develop multiple streams of income.
Buy a new house.
Learn to knit.
Read a book a week.
Travel more.
Start a Non-profit.

One year I woke up and noticed they were mostly the same as the year before and the year before that.
Each year I would take some action in January but then…crickets.
At some point mid year I’d look at the list and I’d feel a whole lot of shame because nothing had changed.
I’d chastise myself for my lack of drive.

Who wants to look at their goals if they are just going to beat themselves up for not achieving them?

Every time I looked at them I’d say ,”Yep, I’m a failure.” And the cycle would repeat itself because I believed I was a failure and
not achieving my goals was the evidence my brain used to prove the thought true.

News flash: Your goals should never be used as evidence for why you’re great or why you’re a slug.

Here’s the thing, the purpose of goal setting isn’t just to get the amazing result or accomplish a dream.

The purpose is the evolvement, the process, the adventure.

When you really want something you've gotta take massive action. Try and fail. Try and fail. Try and fail again and again and try again and succeed.

When I look at my goals now I think thoughts about how great I'm going to feel to go after them and how amazing I will feel when they are finally realized.

When I work with clients on their goals, we do it from a place of self love, not self loathing.

I teach you how to set goals in a way that serves you not based on wishing you were better.
The purpose of your of life is to go after what’s inside of you not because you need to be better, no, you are worthy just as you are.
We go after them because it's so much fun. And, evolving into the most amazing version of yourself well...it's the icing on the cake.