I'm Only Human

My biggest job as a coach is to hold the space for my clients and show them the thoughts in their brains.

I love when I can point out thoughts that they aren’t consciously aware they’re having.

It’s an honor and a privilege. (Quite honestly it’s the best thing ever.)

I’m fascinated and empowered all at the same time when I’m able to coach my clients to recognize thoughts that have been stopping them from taking action on what they really want.

I feel the same way when I uncover them in myself.

This past week I had an experience with my own brain that I think is a perfect example of a human brain (in this case one that gets worked on daily ).

As some of you know, I have started my own 501c3, The Mirth Project. It started as a Christmas project for at risk teens and is now becoming a year round program where we help the same group of teens follow their dreams.
It’s a fact, to have something you’ve never had you have to do something you’ve never done.
So, since I’ve never started a 501c3 there is a lot I have to do that I’ve never done and my brain doesn’t like it, not one little bit.

One thing on that list was purchasing board and officers and general operating insurance.
I scheduled a meeting with a man I know who sells non profit insurance.
All was well until I told him about my plans (at some point) to offer mentorship to the teens we serve. His brow furrowed "well… you’re going to need “Improper Sexual Conduct” Insurance as well…"

I felt like a deer in the headlights.
What? Why?
I had never bought insurance before let alone “Improper Sexual Conduct” insurance.
I instantly felt my enthusiasm start to wain thanks to the thoughts my brain started serving up.

"What are you doing?"
"This is going to be impossible."
"There is no way you’re going to know all of the things you need to do."
"What if something happened to a teen in this project?"
"You can’t do this."

I tried to continue talking intelligently but, I felt shaky and unsure and I’m pretty sure the blood had drained from my face.
I wrapped up the meeting pretty quickly.

I got to my car and I wanted to throw up and cry all at the same time.

My brain continued to tell me all of the reasons this 501c3 dream was a really bad idea.

"Who are you to glow brighter."
"The Christmas project was enough. "
"You don’t really want to do that anyway, it’s so much work."
"You haven’t taken anyone’s money yet, you can quit."
"What if something happened under your watch?"

I pulled into my driveway sick to my stomach and that’s when I heard the thought that woke me back up.
My brain said…”Just go inside and eat something, you’ll feel better.”

Wait…what? Did I just hear that?
Go inside and eat something?

In that moment I was able to stop and recognize how my brain was trying to stop me from changing, stop me from evolving, stop me from growing.

Instead of going inside and getting something to eat, (Buffering is never the answer), I decided to water my vegetable garden.
I was able to get control of my thoughts and within 30 minutes I had changed my thinking. I knew what action to take and of course I felt better.

Here’s the thing, this thought work isn’t a one and done. It’s a process. I’m so much better at directing my thinking now than I used to be but, I have a human brain so I’ll be doing this work every day for the rest of my life and, I’m so grateful for it.

If you are interested in learning how to get control of your thinking so you can feel better let’s set up a time to chat. Click here to schedule a free call. One whole hour to talk about you and your life and what you want. Now, doesn’t that sound amazing?