Why Do You Want It?

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People ask me all the time how I stay motivated to work out every day.

Facts are, I love to ride my Peloton and I actually look forward to lifting weights but, I'm not gonna lie, there are days when my brain tells me I should skip my morning work out. "Take it easy" it tells me, "You’re way too busy this morning to get that bike boot camp in."

My brain and yours are programmed to seek pleasure (hello comfy sofa and a cup of coffee) over the discomfort that can come from a Hit and Hills ride or your work out of choice.

Some days I catch myself listening a little, I push my work out 15 or 30 minutes later, watch the news, pet the cat but, then (and this is the secret sauce) I remind myself of why, why I'm putting myself through it to begin with.

See, my why is stronger than any excuse, any amount of Gilmore Girls episodes...I want to be 80 and rock a bikini. I want to get fitter and healthier with each passing year. And, when my couch calls my name a little louder than my work out I remember my why and that work out is as good as done.

So what’s your why?

Why do you want to lose weight?
Why do you want a 7 figure business?
Why do you want to find a life partner?
Why do you want to be a digital nomad?

Ask yourself why, then like your favorite three year old, ask why 5 more times. Don’t accept "I don’t know" as an answer from your brain. Get quiet and make it answer, then write your answers down. Keep the list handy and remind yourself every day of the ultimate pleasure you’re seeking- a fit body, a 7 figure business, the relationship you deserve which is so much better than that immediate pleasure you get from a cupcake or that episode of Outer Banks.

Success is for you.

Pinky swear.